
Trailblazer Blend

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Milo, Coconut, Cherry Ripe


Chiang Rai & Chiang Mai, Thailand


Yellow Honey & Black Honey



Enjoy This Delicious Blend Featuring Two World-class Thai Coffees That Cannot Be Found Anywhere Else in Australia. 

Espresso Roast



Trailblazer was created to spotlight the pioneers of specialty coffee production in Asia, & what better place to start than Thailand? This blend features two honey-processed micro-lots from two specialty coffee producers from Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai provinces.

This blend is a tribute to how top-notch Thai coffees can be and the ongoing pursuit of innovation and improvement that these producers embody. This time we wanted to showcase something unique and delicious for our milk-based drinkers.



This coffee is straight-up delicious with milk! It offers a solid sugary choccy base with nice hints of coconut, cherry and vanilla that linger in the finish. Stacking up two or three of these for breakfast is easy.



We love it as: Espresso
Also good as: Stovetop, Plunger, Aero

Brewing Espresso? Try:

Dose 21g     

Yield 44g     

Time 28-30 seconds     

With milk of choice



We picked two Thai microlots to make this rendition of our “Trailblazer Blend“.  

Trailblazer is all about celebrating specialty coffee producers across Asia who have pioneered the way, helped inspire others, and created a well-earned reputation for themselves and the region on the world stage.

These coffees are delicious on their own but together, they make for a smooth and sweet milk-based showcase from Thailand. This blend features 2 different takes on the 'Honey' processing method. 

Blend Components:

Doi Pangkhon, Yellow Honey - This is a smooth & sweet coffee produced by the Merlaeku family. We’ve proudly been buying coffee from these guys since 2020.

For this process, ripe coffee cherries are hand-picked and then floated to remove any defective cherries. The cherries are then pulped with water to remove about 50% of the mucilage from the parchment.

The theory is that the coffee would still be clean and bright, but with more body and sweetness. The parchment is dried on raised beds in a thin layer and raked several times a day to prevent fermentation and to promote even drying. Once the parchment is dried to 10% moisture level, it's taken to the dry mill for further processing.

Chai Prakarn, Black Honey - This coffee is produced by Mr. Noi Duongdee, a veteran in the Thai coffee industry. 2023 was our first year buying his coffee and, we loved what we tasted.

Noi (39), has worked as a coffee processor for over 10 years. He worked with one of the pioneer dry mills in the Thai specialty coffee industry for many years before venturing out to start his coffee processing plant in Chaiprakarn, Chiang Mai.

For this micro-lot, the cherries are harvested throughout the day and rested for one night at a cool temperature before being pulped in the morning. The delayed pulping with a controlled temperature helps add complexity to the coffee. After the coffee is pulped, it's then dried on a patio covered with plastic sheets for cleanliness during the drying process. The drying process takes 25 days to complete. Once the moisture reaches 10 -12%, the coffee is cured in hermetic bags for 2 months before milling.


Kaan - Summis Yamba
Jess - Bangalow Bread Co
Brendan Tjhadi – Fate
Kaan - Summis Yamba
Brendan Tjhadi – Fate

Goodness Gracious.
Is that the time?

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I've enjoyed the Baristas Choice Coffee Subscription in Melbourne during 2021 - OQCM's coffee is first rate, the variety is interesting & unique, the business model; inspiring. Subscription service was above & beyond - Amelia went out of her way to provide excellent, friendly customer service. 10/10 would recommend!” Tiffany Smith - Google
”I've been buying this coffee for 2 years now and it's honestly the best coffee I've had so far. The Vietnam K'Ho is definitely my fave but all their coffees are bloody delicious. I was a little late placing my orders sometimes so now I order through their subscription service which is super convenient, plus saves me paying for shipping! 10/10 recommend to anyone who loves coffee.” Beatrice Eichler - Google
OMG if you haven’t tried this coffee yet you need too. How refreshing is it to drink coffee that hasn’t been over roasted and you can taste all the individual flavours of each bean? I’m hooked. Knowing it’s ethically sourced makes it taste even better.
Thanks OQ. Tom Bridge - Product Review

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