AeroPress Brew Kit

$320.00 $339.25


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The AeroPress Kit has everything you need to brew great tasting coffee, whether at home or on the road. This compact kit truly is perfect for any situation and apart from your beans of choice, all you need is hot water.



AeroPress - This versatile tool has all the features we love. It offers easy-to-use immersion brewing that yields clean, sweet tasting coffee. Plus, it's travel friendly and easy to clean. 

Hario V60 Scales - A perfect set of scales for helping you nail your brew recipes, and get the best out of your coffee.  Use the built-in timer to ensure your extraction is on point. These scales are also water resistant and easy to clean, which is super helpful for those accidental spills.

Porlex Tall II -  Compact and elegant, this hand grinder is the perfect companion for an AeroPress. Stainless steel construction with easily adjustable conical ceramic burrs, this Japanese made hand mill grinder is built to last. 



  • Includes the essentials to seriously improve the quality of your AeroPress coffee
  • Perfect camping set up with light weight, easy to pack gear
  • All manual brewing makes for quiet brewing at home and easy remote brewing


Kaan - Summis Yamba
Jess - Bangalow Bread Co
Brendan Tjhadi – Fate
Kaan - Summis Yamba
Brendan Tjhadi – Fate

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I've enjoyed the Baristas Choice Coffee Subscription in Melbourne during 2021 - OQCM's coffee is first rate, the variety is interesting & unique, the business model; inspiring. Subscription service was above & beyond - Amelia went out of her way to provide excellent, friendly customer service. 10/10 would recommend!” Tiffany Smith - Google
”I've been buying this coffee for 2 years now and it's honestly the best coffee I've had so far. The Vietnam K'Ho is definitely my fave but all their coffees are bloody delicious. I was a little late placing my orders sometimes so now I order through their subscription service which is super convenient, plus saves me paying for shipping! 10/10 recommend to anyone who loves coffee.” Beatrice Eichler - Google
OMG if you haven’t tried this coffee yet you need too. How refreshing is it to drink coffee that hasn’t been over roasted and you can taste all the individual flavours of each bean? I’m hooked. Knowing it’s ethically sourced makes it taste even better.
Thanks OQ. Tom Bridge - Product Review

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